Bee-bot Activity

Activity for a Maltese lesson:

By the end of this lesson the children will learn how to spell and recognise different countries in Europe.

This will be a Maltese lesson during which the students will be divided into 4 or 5 groups. In each group there would not be more than 4 students. Each group will have one Bee-Bot, the transparent mat and a set of flashcards.

Each box on the mat will have a card which would include a picture of the country and the jumbled up name of the country. (Below find a sketch of the mat). On the other hand, the flashcards will include a question such as: ‘F’liem pajjiż jinsab il-Kolossew?’

Thus the students would pick a card and to answer the question they need to move the Bee-Bot accordingly.

bee-bot activity 1

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